Reducing Problem Behaviors




Problem behaviors impact the quality of life and interfere with day-to-day activities of children with autism and their caretakers. While autism can look different from individual to individual, common problem behaviors may include:

● Destruction - throwing or breaking items
● Self-harm - biting self, scratching self, or head-banging
● Aggression - hitting, biting, or scratching others 
● Elopement - running to escape an environment or situation; wandering off
● Pica - eating item that are not edible
● Tantrums and screaming

These behaviors can be challenging to say the least, and tackling them may seem overwhelming, but it is something families don’t have to do on their own. Just as autism comes in a wide range of categories and levels of severity, there is likewise an array of therapy techniques used.
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is an evidence-based treatment approach that has been used for over 40 years to help children with autism achieve their full potential. Examples of ABA treatment methods include:

● Using rewards to reinforce desired behaviors
● Refusing to reinforce the undesired behavior by giving in to what the child wants
● Communicating rules by use of visual supports
● Encouraging success by starting small and setting achievable goals 

ABA therapy often starts by using a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) to help uncover a problem behavior’s function or purpose. Functions may include attention-seeking, avoidance, sensory input (whether seeking or avoiding), and more. You can read more about the FBA and behavior functions at the Functional Behavior Assessment section under the “Services” tab above, or click below to schedule an appointment with one of our professionals to take the first steps to addressing problem behaviors today.

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