Treatment Planning




The goal of an Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) assessment is the creation of an individualized treatment plan, and the goal of an ABA treatment plan over time is meaningful changes in behavior. The ultimate goal is to equip each child with the skills required to lead a fulfilled and happy life.

Our ABA treatment plans and therapy techniques are customized to every individual child. By building on a child’s current skills and strengths, this therapy helps the child to both acquire new skills and to replace challenging behaviors with more appropriate ones (see also Functional Behavior Assessment). 

ABA therapy targets autism’s core characteristics, and as such, it seeks to improve the areas of social interaction, fine and gross motor skills, play, language and communication, cognitive planning, and independent living skills. We strive to keep our therapy developmentally appropriate, engaging, and enjoyable.

Because autism presents itself in a variety of ways, treatment plans incorporate a variety of therapy styles, techniques, and resources. Read on for a brief explanation of some of our common training techniques.

● Discrete Trial Training - A succinct, concrete process; this method breaks behavior into smaller, more manageable steps and provides positive reinforcement.
● Errorless Teaching - A method of ensuring the child is always successful, errorless teaching involves immediate prompting of the correct behavior or answer, until eventually the prompting can be delayed and/or removed altogether.
● Functional Communication Training - The therapist introduces and trains the child in alternate responses (e.g., talking or signing) to various scenarios that have previously led to undesirable behaviors. As in other types of therapy, positive reinforcement is used until it can be slowly reduced or removed. 
● Verbal Behavior Approach - Communication skills can be a challenge for all ages of children with autism. This strategy breaks verbal communication down into smaller chunks for students to master over time. These may include requesting, responding, echoing, and tacting. 

An effective ABA treatment plan is a multifaceted program drawing on a thorough initial assessment and continued monitoring of progress. At Positive Reinforcement, we are with families every step of the way. Please reach out to us with any questions you may have or to schedule an appointment and learn more about how our services can benefit your child.

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